There's an interview with Julie Sondra Decker at Salon today called "You’re about as sexually attractive to me as a turtle: Coming out as asexual in a hypersexual culture" that I found to be eloquent, thought-provoking, clarifying, and informative on the topic of asexuality. The last question in the interview, about how finding the right language for things can be clarifying and create the possibility to improve situations, is particularly interesting. Decker has written a book, just released, called The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality. Check the interview out if you're curious.
Separately, it's just come to my attention that my Twitter feed has not been picking up my blog posts since MAY, oops, sorry everyone. I'll make some time to figure this out and fix it in the next few days. Though I suppose the people this affects are the people who follow me on Twitter, which means they aren't reading this blog post, since presumably it's not going to show up on Twitter…
Interesting Article About Asexuality
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