YOU GUYS. Over at Written? Kitten!, every time you write one hundred words, YOU GET A PICTURE OF A KITTEN. (Thanks, S!)
Over at Teen Librarian Toolbox, I really like the post "Dear Media, Let me help you write that article on YA literature." It begins, "Recently, there have been a voluminous number of articles written about YA literature. And they are mostly wrong. So if you are a member of the press and given this assignment, I thought I would help you out a little. But first, let me start by telling you why I am, in fact, qualified to help you out. Credentials are important, something these articles always seem to lack..." (Thanks, R!)
As a companion to her recent blog post, "Some things to consider when writing fat characters," Rebecca Rabinowitz has written "Some things to think about when writing thin characters."
Pardon me for a minute while I copy and paste everything I've written in this blog post so far and GO GET ME A KITTEN.
Okay, I'm back. Over at An Awfully Big Blog Adventure, I like Cathy Butler's "Sir Gradgrind and the Great Amphibium; or, a Peripatetic Defence of Fantasy."
On my writing desk:
And my plan for the evening:
Happy Wednesday :o)
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Kittens! And Other Links for a Wednesday Evening
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