Iceland: The Bus to Akureyri

I took the bus from EgilsstaĆ°ir to Akureyri (here's the route). For most of the journey, I was the only person on the bus who wasn't Icelandic, and I took so many pictures that they must've thought I was barmy. Especially when I started to cry. It was so beautiful, I couldn't help myself.

I took about 500 pictures! (Through the bus windows, so forgive any blurriness or weird splotches.) I've narrowed it down to 40ish, still an awful lot, so this post will contain a jump break. A warning that if you'd rather avoid pictures of snowy roads, this post does include one view through the front window of the bus that shows the road we were traveling on. (It is picture #4.) How happy I was to be in the hands of our imperturbable bus driver.

For some time after we set out, this was the view.

We began to see some shapes… water…

Ridges… snowbanks.

Dramatic stuff ahead.

Our shadow kept us company!

Click the link below for the rest!

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