Saint-Malo: Around Town

Before I get to the pictures, just wanted to announce a couple pieces of lovely news.

(1) Bitterblue is a #1 bestseller in Sweden. A big thank you to my wonderful Swedish readers, and also to the folks at my Swedish publisher, Semic, who've put so much talent and effort into the book! As my sister, codename: Apocalyptica the Flimflammer, said when she heard the news, oh my gosh, Sweden is so awesome. THANK YOU.

(2) Bitterblue is being honored by the Boston Authors Club, along with a number of other great books (check out the link). Thank you, Boston Authors Club! I'm so sorry I'll be out of town for the celebration.

Okayso, here's my penultimate Saint-Malo post.

The sign on this little blue used bookstore says, "Librairie Septentrion. Livres Anciens.
Achat de Livres."  I also love the Virgin Mary and the faded letters on the building above.

Cathedrale Saint Vincent on a rainy, misty day.

 My iPhone camera couldn't do justice to the soft blue light of the apse
of the cathedral, created by the many stained-glass windows.

 Taken from atop the wall.

A store all about butter.

 Also taken from atop the wall, peeking through buildings down a narrow street.

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